Coming Up at Silver Creek
Caroling at Snowberry - December 6

Please join us this Friday, December 6 at Snowberry Heights, 222 South Fifth Street in Marquette as we sing along with our senior friends. We will meet in the Community Room from 6:30 - 7:30PM singing carols together for about 30 minutes followed by cookies, tea and visiting. We will need about 90 dozen cookies or more to share with the residents so even if you are unable to attend, please consider dropping off cookies here at the church no later than Thursday at 5PM. If you have any questions please talk to Marie Dunham or Kay Bammert. See you all there!
Informational meetings - december 9, 10 & 11

At the Annual Church Business Meeting in February 2024, our members voted to create a committee to study the Silver Creek Church Constitution and Bylaws in light of the General Council of the Assemblies of God's recommended Bylaws. The committee has completed its work and is prepared to present its findings to our membership.
To allow the membership time to review the updated Constitution and Bylaws and ask questions prior to the Special Business Meeting, there will be three informational meetings. Informational meetings will take place Monday, December 9th, at 6PM, Tuesday, December 10th, at 6PM, and Wednesday, December 11th, at 2:00PM.
The Special Business Meeting will be on Sunday, December 15th at 10:15AM. Please make every effort to attend one of the informational meetings and the Special Business Meeting. Thank you in advance!
feeding America - december 12

It's our last mobile food pantry of 2024! Don't let the cold keep you from the blessing of serving those in need in our community. Food insecurity knows no boundaries - weather or otherwise! We hope you will consider stepping out of your comfort zone to volunteer alongside others from your church and your community to help make this event run smoothly. Volunteers are asked to arrive by 8:15AM, park behind the thrift store and even stay for lunch. Remember, there is a spot for everyone!
midweek Christmas party - december 18

The last evening of Mid-Week Activities will be on Wednesday, December 11th. On Wednesday, December 18th we will be having an all-church Christmas Party! We will start at 6:00PM with a potluck dinner so please bring a dish to pass. 41 West will provide musical entertainment for the evening. The event is for the whole family which will allow all our volunteers to enjoy the evening together with their families and the rest of the church. We're excited for an evening of food and fun!
Christmas at silver creek - december 24

Christmas Eve services are at 3:00PM and 5:00PM on Tuesday, December 24th. We will have a time of fellowship with special treats in between services. We look forward to celebrating the birth of our Savior with you and your family.
online only - december 29

Make sure to put this one on your calendar! On Sunday, December 29th we invite you join us online only for church that morning. We take that Sunday to give our volunteers and staff a much need break amidst the Christmas and New Year holidays, so plan on joining online, PJ's and all! We will be live at 9AM on both our Facebook and YouTube pages - we hope to see you then!